Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 3: Assessment for Learning

I enjoyed the article Electronic Stories for Digital Stories of Deep Learning.  Portfolios can be an important part of monitoring students' learning.  The ten research-based principles of Assessment for Learning describe a wonderful way to assess students through more than a snapshot test or quiz.  A portfolio gives so much more than a snapshot.  It shows the growth a student has obtained.  I most identified with the 9th principle: AFL should recognize the full range of achievements of all learners. 

To me, education should be learner-centered, allowing students to grow and develop.  Rather than measuring a student's annual success through a one day test, portfolios can measure the growth and progress of each individual by reviewing representative works the student has created throughout the year.  This would be so much more than just a snapshot of learning.  A portfolio will offer educators a panoramic mural of a child's learning. 

Teachers have relied on high-stakes test results to measure student learning and for their own accountability for a long time.  However, the No Child Left Behind act (NCLB) has made that focus on high-stakes testing even stronger. Students spend a few hours taking tests to represent their learning, but there are many factors that could negatively effect test scores. Students might be feeling ill, may have been in trouble prior to the test, might be cold/hot/uncomfortable, etc. Any number of issues might be taking student focus off the test. 

With portfolio assessment, all that changes.  Since student work is compiled throughout the year, one bad day or illness will not ruin a child's score. Instead, portfolios will allow students to show their growth and improvement.  Educators and parents will be able to track how much students have learned.  A true picture of learning can be formed from reviewing a portfolio. 

Creating a portfolio for my program will also be a reminder to me of the new knowledge I have acquired.  A portfolio of the many projects I have created will be a great way for me to build upon my knowledge and modify the assignments I have created for a class to meet the needs of the job I am completing now.  The work I have completed in the past can be built on to guide and direct my future.

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