Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 7: New Directions in Instructional Design and Technology

This section has been very interesting.  We have been exploring different directions technology can develop into in our field.  I found this particularly interesting in my new position as an elementary level library.  I am always reluctant to use too much technology with the K-2 students and limited technology with 3rd graders. Unfortunately, I normally underestimate the students when it comes to technology.   It was interesting to think about how these four types of technologies can be implemented in the elementary setting.

Distributed or E-Learning Environments
Our text defines distributed learning as "distance learning", "eLearning" or "online learning".  Distance learning is individual, guided learning that is "separated in space and time from the instructor and peers" (290).  eLearning is defined as "a combination of content and instructional methods delivered by media elements such as words and graphics on a computer" (Clark and Mayer 311).  Online learning is learning in which the learner is "limited to Internet-based learning technologies" (290).  Though I don't see distributed learning working well with students in the elementary setting, I do believe there is a place for distributed learning for the teachers in my setting.  In order for students to be successful with distributed learning, there has to be a certain level of determination, self-discipline, technological skill and responsibility.  Students at the elementary level have not developed the characteristics necessary to be successful in distributed learning.  Distance learning would work more appropriately at the high school setting with students who are more self-directed and require less guidance.

Distributed learning would work well with the teachers in the elementary setting.  Teachers could be given trainings or new tools through distributed learning.  Formal trainings could be held less frequently if teachers were given mini-trainings through distributed learning.  For example, if a grade level needs information on how to teach poetic elements, a podcast or power point could be created and distributed to teachers.  Teachers could learn the necessary information in their free time and have the lesson to review again when necessary.  A brief quiz or review can be turned in to administrators to ensure that teachers have completed their trainings. Distributed learning could become an extremely valuable tool for teachers and administrators.

Reusable Design or Learning Objectives
Our text defines reusability as "the ability to use the same resource multiple times in multiple ways and in multiple contexts" (302).    In this way, reusable design is a database of resources that can be pulled from and used frequently and for different reasons. Reusable design would definitely be an asset in the elementary setting.  Teachers or instructional specialists could create databases of items such as graphic organizers or templates for use in class. 

With a database of graphic organizers, any campus teacher could review the database and choose the appropriate graphic organizer for any lesson they are planning.  This would reduce planning time greatly since the graphics would be available at the touch of a button, rather than having to search the internet or books for the graphic organizer that fits the lesson.  A database of many varied templates would also be valuable for teachers.  Lesson plan templates would make lesson creation uniform and fast.  Campuses with a lesson plan template allow for quick and easy lesson creation.  In addition, teachers know what information is required on a lesson by reviewing the template.  Collections of math formulas, maps, pictures/graphics, graphs, charts (really the possibilities are limited by the imagination) would help teachers by making necessary information easily accessible.

I have already begun creating reusable databases of lessons, activities and graphic organizers for my campus.  Some teachers are beginning to search through these databases for items that suit their lessons but others are reluctant to abandon their well-worn blackline masters.  Making my campus more "reusable" friendly is a process that will take time to take root.   


Rich Media
Rich media is already used in many school environments for teachers and students.  Rich media is defined as "learning products that incorporate high-end media such as video, animation, sound, and simulation" (312).  Rich media is already used in the elementary setting.  Teachers are used to rich media in some training simulations.  In my district, some of the trainings that teachers used to complete by going to a training session (either in house or at district headquarters) are now completed through simulations via video training with simulations and quizzes at the end.  Students also use rich media as they complete online lessons. At my campus, students use iStation frequently.  Being from a middle school background, I had never seen this before.  iStation is a series of lessons.  Children are tested online on a wealth of topics.  They are evaluated for understanding of each concept and areas of weakness are pinpointed.  Students must then complete the lessons for concepts they are found to be weak in.  However, iStation offers a little twist.  The lessons and simulations are created in the form of fun videos, songs and games.  Kids working on iStation often think they are playing a video game.  They love it! 

Rich media has much to offer learning environments.  The majority of students love watching videos and playing games.  Campuses that incorporate more rich media can increase student and teacher excitement in learning while the students (of all ages) are still learning.  Finding new, innovative rich media lessons and activities can create excitement in learning.  This does not mean that all lessons should be rich media lessons; however, rich media can greatly enhance and supplement teachers' lessons or provide much needed review, reteach and practice.

I teach the dyslexia intervention classes at my campus.  I use a program to help my students overcome dyslexia.  I can definitely see incorporating simulations that will support my lessons and enrich the learning that my students experience.  Since the program I use is extremely structured, I will have to be very careful of the rich media I choose to incorporate.  It will have to follow very strict guidelines and meet certain criteria per lesson.  Even so, I do feel it is worth the time to search for simulations to suit my students' needs. 

Emerging Instructional Technologies 
Our text discusses three emerging technologies that may make a huge impact on education in the future: (1) the proliferation of object-oriented distributed learning environments, (2) the use of artificial intelligence applications, (3) the expanded effect of cognitive science and neuroscience.  Though I am having trouble thinking of ways these emerging instructional technologies can effectively be incorporated into education, I was interested by the idea of brain mapping.  Brain mapping is described as the process of monitoring brain activity in order to measure brain activity and discover pathways being activated during learning.  If brain mapping could somehow be used for at-risk students (students labeled special education, struggling students, etc), teachers would have a much better picture of how to help these students.  Interventions could be created to address the specific issues the students are actually experiencing as they attempt to learn.  With brain mapping, the students' true educational issues could be addressed by teachers.  If educators could somehow harness this brain mapping tool, students could not only be taught the curriculum but they would be given tools to become life-long learners. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 6: Getting an IDT Position and Succeeding at It

Wow! This week really made me think about where I am and where I would like to go.  It was also a week where I realized just how blessed I am because I am exactly where I want to be right now!

I am currently employed as an elementary librarian.  I never really thought I would work in an elementary setting, but I was offered the job and I absolutely love it!  Prior to this, I worked in a middle school for 10 years, so the elementary setting has provided a bit of culture shock in my life.  I am enrolled in the Masters of Library Science program.  I entered this program with dreams of being a librarian.  I have dreamed of working in a library since I was a child, only the setting of that dream has changed.  When I graduate, I expect job security.  Right now, I am working in a library with an emergency certification.  This is stressful because my job is not completely secure until I graduate and obtain my certification.  I am working with the understanding that if I do not graduate in a certain period of time and pass the certification test, I could possibly be back in the classroom.  I absolutely LOVE my job, so I am working hard and determined to complete all of the requirements in time.

I completed the matrix and was, once again, pleasantly surprised.  According to the WorkMatrix, I am interested in staying in the first level of service.  I love teaching the children, and the first level of service allows me to be with the kids.  The features of work that I find important aren't listed in the matrix.  Yes, geographic location is important and having money is great.  But my love is in teaching.  I love seeing kids enjoying literature.  I love it when I see a child's eyes grow bright when they have discovered a story they can't get enough of.  I want to take kids who don't like reading and help them become lovers of literature.  Unfortunately, these features were not in the matrix. Though I do enjoy designing/developing instruction for the kids, I have no desire to become a trainer of teachers or adults.  I think I can make more of an impact on younger students. I want remain in the educational sector.  Perhaps one day, when my kiddos are grown and out of school I will think about moving on to a public library, but for now, I am blissfully happy in my elementary library.
Based on my desire to be in a public school library working with students, there are many skills that I need.  I must, first and foremost, learn how to build a collection that is age appropriate for kids while honoring and including the diverse groups in my community.  I need to know how to week a collection for irrelevant or outdated materials.  I must learn how to correctly classify the books in my collection.  I also need keep abreast of the newest technological resources.  Because I am in the public school setting, I have to do all of the library work while addressing the state requirements and teachers' needs.  I have learned much of this information from my LIS program.  State and teacher requirements I have obtained from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and my campus.  Some electives that might be helpful to me would be courses in children's literature, technology and writing.

There are many professional organizations that would be valuable to join.  The organizations that would be most beneficial for a librarian to belong to  would be the American Library Association (ALA), the International Reading Association (IRA), and the Texas Library Association (TxLA).  These organizations are extremely valuable to librarians.  They do offer publications to members such as the School Library Journal.  Current library issues are discussed and book reviews are given.  I feel that these organizations would be extremely worthwhile to join; however, joining can be costly. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week 5: Trends and Issues in Various Settings

This week's study focused on the issues that various educational settings struggle to fix.  Every educational setting seems to have a few problems that must be fixed.  The questions are what are these problems and how do we fix them?

I am currently in the P-12 setting.  My years as an educator have always been spent working in this setting.  One issue I have seen in the P-12 setting is the "need ...for policy makers on state and national levels to realize the need for and nature of ecological systemic transformation of school districts" (218).  Policy makers must realize that districts need change, an overhaul if you will.  Teachers need more training, higher pay, more support and fewer demands.  Teachers are being pulled in hundreds of directions all at once and it is difficult to keep up with the pace and demands of teaching these days. However, an overhaul will not work if it is not sustained.  Districts must find the funds to sustain improvements.   We cannot make changes for one year, then drop them because we are not sure if they work or think we find another quick fix.   Frequently, public school teachers are subjected to changes in the district.  We go along for the ride, waiting to see how these changes will help.  Then, without fail, we hear there is a new change, a new way of thinking or doing things that is a complete game changer.  Once again, we learn a new way and just wait around for the next change.  Districts would benefit from implementing change they believe in and sticking with it for a few years to see what will come of it.  This requires funding, belief that your system will work and improve conditions, and a commitment to the future.

I found one issue that the military has very relevant to education.  The issue of how to best utilize money for training was incredibly relevant to me.  How often do educators attend a training and walk out saying, "I knew that."; "I can't use that."; or "Give me something I can use."  I don't claim to be Miss Master Educator, but I have often attended trainings where it seems like the trainer doesn't know what they are talking about, didn't prepare for the training and has nothing to offer those who took the time to attend.  More often than not, I leave trainings unfulfilled and frustrated, and I know I am not the only person who leaves feeling that way.  The military has the same problem.  Training costs money.  No one attempts to intentionally waste money on a bad training, but how does a planner really know what they are spending the money on?  How can a person planning a training really be sure that the training will be relevant and valuable.  There are many valuable trainings out there that would benefit educators greatly.  How can planners be sure the wonderful training will be implemented in a way that the staff will respond well and buy into it?  Lectures don't work with teachers.  Educators can often be horrible students during trainings. Money doesn't grow on trees, so we need to find a way to make the best use of it during trainings.  If teachers felt that they were learning something they could use, something of value then the money would be well spent. 

Health Care
One issue in the world of health care that I found particularly interesting was how to build trust and address the needs of patients.  Health care is unique because the health professional must quickly build rapport with a patient.  Patients have to trust and feel comfortable with the health professionals they go to for help.  We do not frequent doctors and nurses that we don't like or feel comfortable around.  Instead, we leave there thinking "I'm not doing that again."  Isn't the world of education the same?  Teachers must quickly build rapport with students and parents.  People entrust their precious kiddos to us daily.  We spend more hours in the day with others' children than with our own!  It is vital that students and parents feel comfortable with educators.  Education does not work if children and parents fight us throughout the process.  If teachers can build trust with students and parents, then kids will know they are in a comfortable, safe environment and feel free to learn and grow.  I have had many students in my classroom that did not trust their teachers.  They had too many bad experiences, too many uncomfortable learning environments that taught them one lesson: you are not good enough.  Many of these kids have passed through my classroom, and it is so difficult to repair the damage done by the past.  However, if educators take time to build trust, they can then more easily address the needs of the students.  It takes time to get to know our students and create meaningful relationships with them, but it is invaluable and can mean the difference between a kid who flourishes in their education or wilts because of their educational experiences.  

Higher Education
 One issue of particular importance in higher education was that of lecturing. Jacquie McDonald stated, "the majority of faculty members in higher education have not had opportunities to participate in formal training in teaching methods.  They teach the way they were taught: lecture.  This is not the most exciting way to keep students' attention (yawn)" (227).  McDonald is addressing a higher education setting.  If lecture is boring in higher education and adults have trouble learning in this setting, how must our public school kids feel?

Lectures are boring.  Educators need to realize that we are teaching a new generation of kids.  This group of children live in a time that is different than all other generations.  They have never known a time without computers, the internet, cell phones, gaming systems and instant information.  They don't remember rotary phones or typewriters. How do we expect them to learn in the same way we did? 
As I've mentioned in previous posts, I worked in a school that was all about technology and active learning environments.  Our school was at the top of innovation and technology.  Our test scores were great.  I have recently moved to a new campus.  Though I love my new campus, technology and active learning are fairly new concepts.  I am unfortunately a part of the leadership team, which means I go on walk-throughs every now and then.  I don't feel that I should judge any other educator.  I don't feel I am better than anyone on my campus, but I do see classrooms that still rely primarily on lecture.   This generation of kids learns best when they can be active and when teachers use a language they are native to.  They are technology natives; they need different styles than we are used to.  It is time to try new things, learn new ways of teaching and not be afraid when walk-throughs happen.  It is time for educators to create environments that kids can explore in and build their knowledge as we lead the way. 

Kids are not the only students who need active learning environments and hands-on scenarios.  Our world chapter discusses improving teacher performance with hands-on learning.  Kids benefit from hands-on learning, and adults do too.  Most teachers seek degrees in education and complete hours in student teaching.  Student teaching hours can often be spent observing a seasoned educator teaching kids.  It is a modern day apprenticeship in which a teacher takes the student under their wing and allows them to watch and learn.  Toward the end of the training, student teachers may take over a lesson or two to show what they have learned.  Novice and seasoned teachers would also benefit from seeing themselves in action, analyzing their own teaching skills, creating new ways they are comfortable teaching and putting these new skills into practice.  Our text suggests that this can be accomplished in a controlled setting with video feedback.  So it is not only students that need hands-on, active learning environments to learn effectively, but teachers will also benefit from such educational experiences.  I have to agree.  I knew someone who obtained a teaching degree and did their time in student teaching.  Yet, when they finally entered the classroom they proved a somewhat ineffective teacher.  Teaching was difficult for them, and the students were visibly bored.  Though this person went through the process of getting that degree, they were ill-prepared for the classroom and struggled with teaching style. How valuable would the process of viewing their own teaching style, creating and implementing a new teaching plan have been for this person?  I will say, this teacher is passionate about teaching and loves the students.  They realized that something was not quite right and sought help from other professionals in order to improve.  However, how many teachers take the time to recognize an error or problem and seek a solution on their own?  With the process of video feedback and correction in place, educators would be able to correct problems before they got out of hand.